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  1. Finder
    24.11.2010 20:37
    i know, the internet enable alot of people to know the wicked heart of mine, and slowly know all about me. please, come express your anger, destroy this "space" that represent me. all i can do is this, because now i know the value of love, i will use this precious love to protect my family, please, let me share your love.

    forgive me!

    i know what i say will be useless, because i did a unforgivable wrongdoing! just because of a moment without thinking, just because of the internet, and because of the incident. some teens with no self dicipline may follow my role, and repeat this kind of mistake. i know, why they ban those actress ( that their private naked pics was exposed and spread on the net) from being spokeperson, is because their actions will affect their fans and naive teens.

    * the rest is mainly about bashing some china's idols with sex scandals ect. no idea why she wrote those, for diverting attention perhaps?
  2. Finder
    24.11.2010 20:36
    only now that i know how powerless words can be. there are many wordless tombstone left by ancient people, because the owner's achivement cant be described by words alone. my "sorry" cant be expressed by words as well. i killed the lovely rabbit, and i killed the truth of the world -- love.

    hundreds of people add me in QQ, make me realize the love in this world, the kindness of the poeple. after these few days, i decided to nakedly receive your anger, because this is what i should accept.

    life is vunerable, love is eternity. use the eternal love to protect the weak lives, only then the world can be wonderful.
  3. Finder
    24.11.2010 20:35
    Оставлю здесь парочку ссылок себе на память:


    life is vunerable, for the rabbit, and for myself.

    the beauty of life comes from ordinary, ordinary birth, ordinary life, ordianry death. but the ordinary me did a non-ordinary thing, now my life isn't ordinary anymore. my life long regret has come early and fill up my life.

    there's alot of people approach me (in QQ perhaps), some comfort me, but mostly are for the cursing and scolding. i was shocked. now i know what a big mistake i did. i was wrong, sorry. i say this to all the net people, because they are kind people. they make me realize that i am a wicked woman, like in those novel. i'm sorry for the poor rabbit, i'm sorry, my dad and mom who loves me, i'm sorry, all the kind people. my parents raise me, but i brought troble to them. it is you all that make me understand love, but i angered you all.

    forgive me, i was wrong!

Обо мне


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  • Последняя активность: 23.06.2013 21:52
  • Регистрация: 19.03.2008
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